Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sorry for being late DX

Hey Jammers!

Sorry for being late!

The new items are Mushroom Table,Mine Shaft Door,Rare lei,Monocle,and a Mushroom Chair

(Rare Lei)

In my opinion,the mushroom items are REALLY ugly but hey,that's my thought on them.

The contest will close at 12:00 AM Friday.



Friday, August 24, 2012

Fox Tail Chair and a Contest!

Hey jammers! Pouncing here!

Today's daily new item is a Fox Tail Chair!

Cool huh? 

Now about the contest! I will post a few pictures from around jamaa! They won't be easy! To enter,leave a comment with your username,and your answers.The prizes are a spot in my buddy list,Imprisoned Phantoms,and will be featured on the blog! 

-Contest rules-
.Must have an open buddy list
.You can't reserve a post (Posting RESERVE! Is not allowed)
.No using search engines like yahoo or google for answers.You also cannot look on animal jam for answers
.No copying off the poster above you,you will be disqualified if you do
.Don't complain if you don't win

-Pictures-(Try to guess where these items are located!)

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Good Luck!


Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hey jammers!

The new item for today is a crossbow!

It looks really cool,sadly I don't have enough gems as you can see :(.We will be holding a contest soon! Make sure you check back for details!

See you around!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New look!

Hey jammers! Pouncing here!

We now have a new theme! The theme is called Bunny Crazy! It will only be for the fall though,sadly :(.The bunny with the turkey hat is,yes,my bunny.Starting tommorow I will be posting all the new stuff!

One more day!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My name

Hey Jammers! Victory here!

So I have a new name! Pouncing Spiritwolf! I'm only keeping it for a bit though because I want YOU guys to help me decide my new name! It would be really helpful if you voted on the new poll! These are names I came up with.I will not be taking any suggestions for names,sorry -.-'.Also! I will be making another account for free use.But YOU CANNOT USE IT FOR YOUR OWN USES! Such as membership,hacking,stealing rares,etc.



Monday, August 20, 2012

Ajc is coming back?

Hey jammers! Victory here!

Umm yeah.So as the title says I might start blogging again.I'm not saying I will but you know.If I do I will be posting late on weekdays due to middle school.So i'll be posting around 3:00 or 3:30.It depends.I will be restarting the blog under a new pen name! I won't reveal it now because I want you guys to be excited :).

See ya around!
